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Islam - Lampung Pepadun culture and women among them - second journal

Photo by Ayu Permata, Cangget Night in Kota Alam village, 28 May 2022. Lampung, Indonesia
Photo by Ayu Permata, Cangget Night in Kota Alam village, 28 May 2022. Lampung, Indonesia

Photo by Ayu Permata, Cangget Night in Kota Alam village, 28 May 2022. Lampung, IndonesiaVillage.
Photo by Ayu Permata, Cangget Night in Kota Alam village, 28 May 2022. Lampung, Indonesia

Photo by Ayu Permata, Cangget Night in Kota Alam village, 28 May 2022. Lampung, Indonesia
Photo by Ayu Permata, Cangget Night in Kota Alam village, 28 May 2022. Lampung, Indonesia

May 28, 2022 I came to Cangget Night in Desa Kota Alam. I tried to interview several married women about their perspectives and feelings about the absence of dancing for married women on cangget nights.

Mrs Mariana, 58 years old.

she said: According to her, married women are not appropriate to dance in public spaces. let it be young people who are creative, I used to be in the young masses who always express themselves, since I got married I stopped, because I focused on my family.

Mrs Sumbai, 77 Years old.

Mrs Sumba said: it's a customary rule that applies, as a society that loves custom, we can't go against it. I want to go back to dancing, but I feel old and inflexible anymore. My husband also doesn't allow me to dance in public.

Mrs Riantri Nibasri, 54 years old.

Mrs Rianti said : In accordance with the teachings of Islam, a married woman may not show her beauty other than her mahrim (muhrim is a term in Islam, namely blood or husband ). Lampung pepadun culture and the religion of Islam greatly influence each other.

Mrs Hayati Hostavia, 45 Years old.

she said : Actually I want to dance, I used to often dance cangget, but traditional rules are not allowed for women (married) to dance, I also feel ashamed because my body has fat, not slim when I was young. If caught dancing, I will be fined by custom. Now I only accompany my daughter and son to dance cangget. when my children dances, I am happy and proud, when I see my child dance it is like paying for my longing for dance.

Mrs Aprilia Mutiara Sari, 26 years old.

She said : I haven't been able to dance since I was young, and this is the first time I've seen and participated in a night of cangget. I love to see the boys and girls dancing, all having fun tonight. I think married women should not dance anymore to keep the eyes of other men, protect the honor of their families and husbands, so married women just watch. We live in this world, we must follow the teachings of Islam and the rules of Lampung Pepadun so that our lives are comfortable, far from the bad prejudices of others.

Miss Anat Septi, 19 years ols (not married yet)

She said: I don't think women deserve to dance anymore, especially in public spaces, I've never seen Lampung women dance, it looks like it's going to be weird and funny. I was embarrassed when I saw my mother dancing, afraid of being talked about by the neighbors, so it was better to just watch.

Mrs Rose (its not the real name, the source is not willing to be named and recorded).

she said: I understand that this situation is unfair, unequal and unbalanced. but if I choose to go against customary rules, religions, perspectives that have been instilled for a long time, maybe I will be more unbalanced. I will be isolated from society, family and maybe divorced by my husband. and sin against God.

For this interview process, I got some keywords:

  • unbalanced is normal

  • agree on limits

  • represented

  • attachment

  • rule

  • obey and be conquered

  • follow

  • in between

I remember my proses about my work, it is "Load?", load? talk about balance-unbalance

in life, we never balance - we need "positive and negative" positions - balance is awareness

Islam and Lampung Pepadun culture influence each other's way of life in Lampung society

religius and culture. and women from Lampung Pepadun among them

After discussing with Ning about this process, I feel that there are so many narratives in my brain, like random trajectories. Ning recommends a film on netflix about the story of women who dare to make decisions, the film is : Christiane Amanpour : Sex and love around the world.

for the next step I want to start the process with my body and film (Christiane Amanpour: Sex and love around the world). I try to translate about this concept with my body.

For me, Islam and Lampung Pepadun culture are like magnetic poles that attract each other, and women are the space between the south poles and north poles of the magnet.


some documentation when I came to Cangget Night :

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